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来源:杭州魔力球英语培训学校 发布时间:2017/7/26 14:13:55

       我们坚信阅读不仅使得孩子终生受益,也将成为教育变革的里程碑。 现在让杭州魔力球英语培训学校小编带你走入




  魔力球曾与千万儿童、家长、老师探讨阅读。有人苦恼于孩子不能专注阅读,也有人担忧孩子缺乏时间和兴趣,但更多人感受到的是阅读带来的强大推动力。阅读正逐步改变他们的生活…… 孩子们由此变得更加自信、积极和乐观!

  We believe this is a critical moment for positive change in education … a moment that could be a turning point for the role of reading in children’s lives

  .Right now, reading occupies limited space for children, often competing with gaming and technology. Even in school, there is less time set aside for independent reading, while more time goes to testing.

  Recognizing how critical reading is to children’s success, there is a new drive among teachers and parents to help children find books to get them excited about stories and information, to link their reading to fun, discovery, and curiosity, and to promote the sheer joy that reading can bring.

  Scholastic has talked about reading with thousands of children, parents, teachers, and literacy thought leaders. We have heard concerns about distraction and lack of time or interest. But we have also heard hope and optimism about the power of reading to transform lives. Against the backdrop of rigor asked for by the Common Core State Standards, teachers and families also want school to become more motivational,engaging and personal.



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